
Manage your income

Your income is one of the most valuable things in your life. Whether you’re on a professional salary, self-employed or juggling multiple gigs, we’ll help you make the most of it.

What is it?

Managing your income should be exactly what the name suggests… manageable! But life moves fast, and so does our cash flow. These days, our relationship with money is all about keeping in touch. Checking in and making sure it’s moving in the right direction. That’s why this module is designed to help you keep pace, understanding your cash flow and the numbers as they change. We’ll focus less on the numbers and more on your mindset, offering you spending habits that fit in with your lifestyle. We’ll unlock the secrets to a passive income and ways of making your money work harder for you. It’s time to feel in control of your money, because managing your income can only mean a fantastic outcome.

Why is it important to do?

Losing track of your cashflow can be tricky:

“Can I afford this?”

“Am I over-budget?”

“To spend or to save, that is the question…”

but why not do both!

Managing your income is the cornerstone to financial freedom. With our cashflow blueprint, you can take the pressure off spending – because treating yourself should be done guilt-free! This module, combined with our Track Your Savings unit, means automated savings will make the most out of every dollar you earn. Managing your income lets you have your smashed avo on toast and eat it too – AND get set up for life!

It starts right here

Take our quick quiz and see how far you are down the road.


Question 3 of 5

Have you got a method to monitor and track your cashflow?

The easiest way to answer this is to ask yourself “Could I find out where my money is going without needing to check my bank statement?”


You’re at the start of your journey

You need to start at the beginning and note down how much you earn & how much you spend. Use our Budget Tracker to do this easily, sit down with a drink of your choice and get started!


What should I do next?

Kick off your free trial today – book your 15 minute discovery call


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Every financial decision you make could take your life down a different path. So we’ll show you what different options mean, and create your financial roadmap to make sure you don’t get lost along the way.


Manage your income

Your income is one of the most valuable things in your life. Whether you’re on a professional salary, self-employed or juggling multiple gigs, we’ll help you make the most of it.