About Us

Do you want more financial clarity & a plan to achieve financial independence?

Finnacle is about trusting the people that work with your money and it is just as important as the advice you receive. See who we are and why we’re working to put your dreams first…

What We Do

Finnacle started as a response to everyday Aussies looking for high quality, reliable financial advice that was truly accessible – because the size of your income shouldn’t be a barrier to financially security. In just a few years, it has become a movement that puts our members in control of their money, on their own terms. We exist to help young Australians thrive, so you can make a positive and meaningful impact in your own life. Because it’s you, our members, and the people most important to you, that matter most.

How We Do It

There are plenty of stressful things in life, but money shouldn’t be one of them. We’ve pioneered on-demand financial advice to make sure you’ve always got support at your fingertips – for whenever life throws you a curveball. We’ve simplified money management and put you back in the driver’s seat: we give you the options to reach your goals – and you make the decisions on which path to take with our exclusive Finnacle Financial Plan.

See more about how we work & our process here.

Our Story

Who We Are ?

Anyone can say that they’re different from other providers. And while our on-demand, online advice, provided by a team with a wealth of industry experience might tick that box, we don’t think it’s enough. Finnacle was founded by two mates with young families, facing the same challenges and hurdles in life as they saw their members and friends going through. We’ve been there too, and that’s why we’re so passionate about helping more Aussies find financial independence.

Where We Come From

Our team has been built from the best talent across Australia to bring you the expertise you need– and our global network and partners add the quality service you deserve. Values and expertise go hand in hand, and you’ll experience our dedication and unique approach at every touch point.

Our Values



Think big, think ahead and act now. Giving back later means you took too much today



We exist to support & solve. Everything we do is to add value to our members



Nurture collective intelligence. Evolve relentlessly and make complex simple



Do more with less



Deliver wow at every interaction. Be real, have fun and do good

Meet The Team

Prashant Nagarajan

Partner & Financial Adviser

Daniel Thompson

Partner & Financial Adviser


Operations Manager

Client Stories

Gilson & Felor, Brisbane

“There is someone validating our life planning and bringing us a lot of confidence. That’s priceless for me.”

Gilson & Felor had been trying to break into the property market for a while. With our advice and support, we ensured their property purchase went smoothly. They’re now in their own home with two kids and couldn’t be happier.

Muthu & Meena, Adelaide

“Life is constantly changing, so it’s been invaluable to work with a company that has changed with us”

Muthu & Meena had been tracking along reasonably well and were ready for a bigger home. We set their financial foundations, a safety net and helped them upgrade to their new home.

Ash, Melbourne

“So much clarity, now I have someone who mentors my investing decisions.”

Ash wasn’t sure of the right way to start & build his portfolio. With our help, Ash purchased an investment property in 12 months, fast-tracking his goal of financial independence.

Michael & Lisa, Brisbane

“Prashant helped me feel on track that I can retire comfortably. I wouldn’t have that assurance otherwise.”

Michael & Lisa came with strong incomes but their finances were in a bit of a mess. With us, they have set up a safety net, optimised their super and grown their investments to live the lifestyle they were after.

We’re helping people like you

See why we’ve been awarded Independent Financial Advisors’ Innovator of the Year.

This testimonial was given by our customers.  They are individual experiences of our customer that has used our service. However, they are individual results and results and outcomes may vary.  We do not claim they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve.  (Broker name/ business) cannot and does not guarantee results. Your full financial situation would need to be reviewed prior to acceptance of any offer or product.

Our Awards

Ready to take control of your money?

Kick off your no-obligation trial today – book your 15 minute discovery call